Outsmart Your Computer
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Apr 22, 2022
Excel Basics - Cell Borders
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Mar 31, 2022
Excel Basics: Cells
Apr 2, 2022
Excel Basics: Rows & Columns
Apr 15, 2022
Excel Basics - Number Formatting
Apr 14, 2022
Excel Basics - Fonts & Text Alignment & Orientation
Apr 12, 2022
Excel Basics - Cell Fill & Text Color
Apr 7, 2022
Excel Basics: Formula Bar
Outsmart Your Computer
Science & Tech Business Education
Have you ever been assigned a task working on a spreadsheet, updating row after row manually and thought, "There has to be a better way!"

Well, there is! I want to help you find it and explore the real world challenges people face with their computers and data and make your computer work for you instead of the other way around.

I've saved myself and others thousands of data entry hours by simply making a computer do what it is made to do. Work for us! Let's outsmart our computers together.